After reading this article,, I was inspired to write this post....
Yes, I pride myself on eating healthy. I remember making a pledge and promise to myself while I was in college, that once I graduated, while I can AFFORD to, I will eat as healthy as possible no matter what because I had no excuse unless times truly got that rough in which what kinds of food i put in my body no longer mattered.
Anyone else see that as an issue though???
We as a country continue to pounce on those who are obese and even I turn my nose up at the obese sometimes because much of it also does have to do with exersize as well. BUT it is amazing to me how we push for healthy eating habits and yet the cost to do so is not for the lower middle class family. No, you aint got to shop at Whole Foods or places like Trader Joe's who have their own contracted farmers. It is simple looking at the labels and knowing what you put in your bodies but I came to the realization a few years ago very often, the things you often want to put in your body tend to stack their bills high when it comes to checking out.
Just a few things and habits with healthy eating and shopping:
- items that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup - the reason why many have raved about this cheap man-made material is because the fact that produces chemical addiction in the body and induces fat building because it is often harder to break down this will also notice most items with this material in it, tend be cheaper, of course
- i know this sounds a bit corny and much, but try being things in which the ingredients you at least know or understand, so you can now how much of the bad or good stuff is going in your body, lol
- Frozen vegetable are often "flash frozen" and can be just as healthy as the fresh produce than can go bad quickly and be quite expensive
- A big reason why we are addicted to these fatty food is taste, most will say all these dag gone healthy foods have no taste....that is true statement, if you add no season to your foods. I am huge fan of seasoning which does wonders to your food and can often make it healthier as well.
- Consume foods that make you full know how you can be so hungry you can eat a whole pizza? try eating a whole 'whole wheat' pizza and tell me if you can finish it? Probably pretty tough to finish, not only because it's not that tasty but hugely because foods higher in fiber content tend to make your fuller hence lower increase in your appetite....but use some common sense too, if you are actively exersizing your appetite will increase no matter what.
Also here is WebMD's list of healthy foods under a dollar.....mostly fruit but, it's a start.
by the way, that BMI mess definitely is not accurate for the record, it says that I am near obese because I am 5'2 at 132lbs and I am athelete, boxing and basketball, go figure....
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