Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Obama's decision: A Wartime hero or zero?

Much of the the general population of the U.S. is heavily against increasing troops in Afghanistan yet Obama is still considering this decision to increase.  General Petraeus has been pleading a case to President Obama in increasing the surge of troops.

Please know that I am true fan of President Obama which is why I will hold him to the highest esteem and respect and hold him accountable for his words and actions.  Let's remind ourselves that President Obama gave a time line on withdrawing troops from Iraq and to not increase the troops in Afghanistan.  I truly hope that he does not follow the footsteps of our oh so "ingenius" Former President Bush in becoming a wartime zero;  sending surge after surge of troops to Iraq spending billions of dollars on an intricately fabricated story of WMD and Freedom Iraq.

I don't know about you but I continue to try and wrap my head around fighting this war on terror on someone else's turf were thousands of civilians and U.S troops are killed.  We are the most powerful country of freedom yet I feel our elitist ways will come back to bite us and I pray that God protects us.  But hey that just my lil' ole opinion on that.  What does it matter anyway?

I read a very good open letter to the President from the very much outspoken activist and movie director, Michael Moore.  He can say SOME things much better than me.  I don't always agree with everything he says or projects in his candid films or views but I applaud him nonetheless.

Let's see what happens tomorrow tonight.

I think I'll comment on this post after his speech.


1 comment:

  1. The speech as usual was saavy and compelling. Of course we expect nothing less from President Obama.

    I am left unmoved but understanding that President Obama acknowledge that of course we were wrong and wasted time and money in Iraq in the first place if we are going to place troops for stability in a country we believe is harboring much of the world's terrorists. If anything at all, I believe as a military strategy, letting the world know the time line in which we plan to exit is not smart but on the other hand, in the political and social scheme of things a time line at least still let's the public know his campaign promise is not completely broken and that this surge of troops is "temporary", so we believe....
