Today I was reminded, as we all need constant reminders, of the kindness that does exist with us human that exist in our man-made created hell.
That man was eating that pizza like it was his first meal since birth.
A guy in a suit walked up to him and quietly asked "are you hungry!". The man on the ground shook his head, yes. And the man in a suit proceeded to give the whole pizza in a box and walk back to his car and drove off. I saw the man sitting down had a cell and seemed to be sending a text...that may or may not relevant but nonetheless.
"Glow" feat. Kelis --> I came across this song back in 2003 and recently heard it on my online radio station I also used to listen to a lot back in 2003. Definitely wanted to put you all on to this side of Kelis, sorry I know it's only a snippet...FEELIN IT!
"Love Joy Understanding" feat. Incognito --> I heard this song also one of my favorite online radio stations, LiquidSoulElements, and wanted to share it. There whole album is very solid; bought it a week ago. I've vibin' to it at night most of the week. They are based out the U.K.
"60901" feat. tiRon --> Shout out to my boy Julian (sport writer for the Boston Globe, might I add...go Celtics! lol) for reminding of the joint produced by Odisee. FEELIN IT!
"International Summers" feat. John Robinson & Lewis Parker --> After a quick a lil blurb about these brotha definitely going to cop the album when I can. Their whole forte is sort of the Jazzy Hip Hop feel which is one my favorite type of genre mixing. FEELLIN IT!
Keep Dreamin’ by Algorythm
"The Stuyvesants" produced by Allan Cole (Algorythm) & Darien Victor Birks (Flwrpt) --> first big shout out to my homegirl Sherrell for putting me onto this, mucho amor! I am loving these samples...just plain great producing and use of others' music...FEELIN IT!
Shout out to my friend, Jennifer C. for sending me the actual story behind last Sunday's, episode of The Boondocks. Man, had that been my grandma, she'd been in jail, hahaha....
A quote from a blind businessman on the metrorail when a woman gave up here seat for him to sit yesterday morning.
Thought that was quite the interesting quote.
But to add more to that, has the so-called independent woman killed chivalry? Do us men really feel that there isn't much left for us to do since many women of the current generation feel they can do it all themselves, even when a man attempts show some chivalry it is can often be back-fired? I wonder....
Reading the free local Express paper from the DMV area, I came across their top story where the DCPS are expected to raise the average salaries of the educators of the worse public schools in the nation. The union has renegotiated there contracts for 2 year salary increases to average $81K, in which teachers have not seen increases since 2006.
I believe all educators deserved to be compensated extremely well. But my only inquiry is should they be rewarded for a current failing school system or should we automatically increase the salaries and hope money talks? Why not also give the teachers better quality materials first as well.
But in lue of my inquiry I must remember I am not in the shoes of the teachers that go to work everyday and work with what they got....
Attempt failed by BP to stop the "top kill" the oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. I don't know about y'all but this kinda scary if you really think about it. I am sure we all remember or at least heard of the Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe in Alaska which is STILL being clean up after 2+ decades. This is likely to be 5 times the clean-up cost or more not too mention the environmental impact on the coast....
I do not usually use unofficial blogs as references to news but I read this blog on the Guantanamo cases and was very intrigued. Also, a very close friend of mines' girlfriend is one of the attorneys trying the Guantanamo case. So very proud of her...Shout out to you C. O.! Any who, I found it interesting that many cases have been thrown out because of the fact many prisoners were moved from Guantanamo to other locations which then plays to fact that they were moved from the plagued environment from Guantanamo, very interesting....