Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Disturbing the peace
So, my home town is showing some real guts right now. This is why, even though my mother believes I should be in politics, I won't involve myself...I don't like to lie or streeeeetch the truth, though I have the tough skin for it, haha.
Anyway, President Obama, I definitely got ya back and know you are intelligent to know that this unprecedented backlash was coming from some of the things that were tossed around during your amazing presidential run. Things are not and were never written in stone and they should not be, but we all know the average american(even myself sometimes) takes every word literally and will often miss an entire statement because they hung on a word or phrase that they really liked or truly hated. Yes, I hold you accountable, on realistic terms. My family struggles just like the rest but I won't blame you.
I am happy you all back home are practicing one this countries greatest freedoms...funny how you chose to put it right over the Velvet strip club down at Shockoe Bottom. They practiced freedom too...
I am not outraged but baffled at the height that our President has taken more cynicism, criticism and outrage than any other president on record and yet just happens to be one of the most intelligent, most qualified, most dynamic President's we ever had in the history of the United States' presidency....go figure
The 1st
Her roll may not of been the most dignified (Mammy) and even she herself felt some kinda way when she was not even allowed to accept her award at the show (year 1939). But she knew at that moment in time that she was representing a people and opening the doors for those that have been able to achieve greatness today.
We will pay tribute to you, Sister McDaniel.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Happy Born Day pop!!!
Pop's, I love you and thank you for always being there us.
Feliz Compleanos to mi padre!!!!
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Your therapy music is here
The Noisettes, a band out of London...gotta keep up with my London chaps. I like this group.
Amerie and Trey Songz remake of Mint Condition's "Pretty Brown Eyes". This song is rumored to be featured on Amerie's next upcoming album....YEWWP!, sorry had to do it, VA, 804 all day baby!
This was my ish, "back in the day"!
Didn't take a lot of time or come across a lot of music that I felt the fam would feel. But there is so much good music and talent out there I am sure you all are able to keep it going...So I will leave you with a song I heard a lot this past weekend and one of my favs from LTD & J.O.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Feeling like a kid...
Anyway, I just finished buying all 7albums of the A Tribe Called Quest, not including the remix album, best of and lost tribes. I never actually owned the officially copies so decided to purchase them. Definitely feeling like with a brand new toy. I love my music! All this with shipping cost me a total of $30.00. Every CD and case in excellent condition. Thank you Amazon.com's used section!!
ATCQ is the group I can most relate to. I LOVE jazz and I love my hard core raw truth telling stories of hip-hop and they were one of the best if not the best at mixing the two. Very laid back beats with rhymes intellectually stimulating but still carry the necessary street credibility. Can't ask for nothing better than that. I know some of us are on Facebook and seen those notes that ask you to take songs from a group to describe your life...Tribe would definitely be the artists that describes me best.
Hope yall had a good, relaxing weekend, if not make sure you MAKE some time for ya self!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
3-Day weekends???
Apparently, shorter work weeks are environmentally and financially savvy, go figure! Utah, about a year ago, passed an initiative to have 10-hour work days and Friday start the official weekend. Yeah, I bet you thought you wouldn't be making up for the 40 hours...nope, wrong. Traffic has been proven to reduce as a result of this initiative, too. More productivity from there employees as well.
It makes sense to me sense more than half the of the total workforce here in America works "overtime" anyway. Good job to once Republican Governor, Jon Hunstman.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Teacher don't take no mess!
This teacher is only displaying what most of us really would like to do to some of the inconsiderate dumb mofos of the world.
Stop treating me so good!!!!
I probably find this funny because I and other men I know can definitely relate, hahaha...seriously
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Yet another one of the many farmer protests around the world
If you like those rich and whole Belgium chocolates, this doesn't look good for ya. It seems on the other side of the globe, they are having problems paying their farmers' due as well. The government is selling milk produced by farmers for much less than what it cost than farmers to produce it. The world average on the price of milk has fallen 40% in the past couple years.
Let's nod to it!
The Foreign Exchange feat. Muhsinah - "House Of Cards" from The Foreign Exchange on Vimeo......just plain deep...
J. Rawls feat. Invisible Hands --> just feeling this one; a good mix of jazz and hip hop. Rawls is well known for producing music mixed with hip hop and jazz. I have one of his hip hop jazz albums, good buy.
Raheem Devaughn is coming back in the scene...well, he never really left it.
Wale bringin' in some of his roots...definitely feeling this one; produced by Apple Juice Kid.
some hot fiya from Phil Ade.
Peter Bjorn and John -->I like this joint...not sure why....this song may sound familiar from one of my previous blogpost.
A lil' bit of a throwback, Black Star....FYI: J. Rawls produced this track.
Man, Aaliyah...can't believe it's been 8+ years....
That's it from me,
Peace & blessings.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
For my people, our people, all people
A War For Your Soul-Birmingham version from Erisai Films on Vimeo.
Whether you agree or disagree with everything or anything that video says, one message speaks out the most to me....PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
**big ups to my brotha from anotha motha, Kenny, for the video.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
An Unfortunate Rarity
A couple weeks ago, I saw something that was rare, regrettably so and still have not seen it since...a man of color (i.e. black) with his suit and tie on, ready for work, pushing a stroller with a baby down the sidewalk.
Why was I excited and felt a sense of pride at first but felt sad and anger moments after?...
I believe those feelings came from the fact, that still today, the fatherless is a prominent issue. There is a very good book I would recommend for ALL to read; Black Men and the journey to fatherhood by Leonard Pitts, jr. A special thank you to my boy M. Goode for that one. This book gives great insight to fatherhood and some understanding of why some choose to run from the responsibility.
Thank you pop's...Dad, you did what you were supposed to do; give unconditional love and structure to us and are an integral part of why I am a strong God-fearing good man and am and continuing to grow to be a better man each day. Not a day goes by that I do not thank God for both of my beautiful loving parents. TOO many of my peers unfortunately were not fortunate enough to have both but best believe even with one prominent parent they came out on top but as it has been shared with me, not without an internal struggle that I can only begin to understand, never fully...
Just wanted to share my thoughts...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wow, really Glenn Beck???
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Twins
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the exact moment the 1st plane and the 2nd plane hit the Towers. I was in the Chesterfield Technical Center in my Cisco Networking class. The details don't really that much, just know they are very distinct and vivid as I can imagine a lot of you have the same type of recollection.
But I also think of the thousands of lives lost senselessly elsewhere and sympathize with them as well. I am not sure why this comes to mind, but I think about the country of Laos; whom during the Vietnam war were friend nor foe of the either side. We, the United States of America, dropped ammo and explosives left over from the war in this neutral country( there are other parts of that story of course) but in general. The country decades later is still feeling the effects; children and adults everyday losing limbs and are killed. A small example of injustice done by US.
We are still hurt from the horrific and tragic events of September 11, 2001 but keep in perspective and keep God in mind for both forgiveness and healing for all.
My heart is with the fallen victims and their loved ones. May they continue to rest in peace and may God continue to be with the families and friends....God bless America.
Again I say, an injustice anywhere is an in justice everywhere
-jus kev
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Music for the short week
Miss January feat. The Procussions and Talib. Definitely a good chill joint, feeling it for a get-you-through-the-work-day song
Spiritual Fi --> Another laid back joint from Reggie B ( when going to the link, listen to Spiritual Fi)
Now two of my FAVORITE hits from Slum Village....RIP Baatin
Cloud 9
Aiight, I will pull out some different stuff next week....possibly.
Emmit Till goes to the Smithsonian
Emmit Till's casket is coming to D.C. The Till family has decided to have the casket on display so that young boys and girls could know the true story of our history and progress as a people.
Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful Labor Day weekend. I know I did. Let's continue on with the week off right! Just catching up on a lil bit of news.
Music is coming in a day. I am going to wait til next week to hit you off with a lot of music I have been wanting to put on display. This week nothing you may or may not already know.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Obama Addresses the Nation on Education
I have posted President Obama's
President Obama's prepared remarks directly from the White House.
There has not been a speech that President Obama has done, that I have not been impressed with. The reason why I am most impressed with his speeches is not because of their eloquence but because his speeches involve actionable items both accountable to himself as President of the United States and to us, as a people of this Nation. Just reading the speech I felt empowered and could feel the energy, power and emotion flowing to the children that MAY be listening. Education doesn't just mean going to college and getting a degree. I for one, believe that the four-year institution may not be for everyone, but learning is. I have a personal quote that simply says "your degree is only but a mere tool to help the enhancement of your dreams become reality," meaning also it is not the ONLY tool. Education is an ongoing process but every process needs its foundation and I am elated that we have a president who is excited and fired up about the education and creating opportunity for EVERYONE to be educate, starting with children.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Gimme my money, Grandma!!
I am a fan of the Redskins but they are definitely hardcore for this one.
I will let you read this one for yourself.
Argentine Farmers Strike
Argentine farmers on strike
Argentine farmers go on a seven-day strike starting August 25 (might be off by a couple days). The Argentine government is taxing the farmers 35%!!! From my understanding, when it comes to taxation, Argentina is pretty average. The current administration likes to tax on many exported goods such as soy and grains. But I still have never understood why farmers across the world do not get paid what is due to them when they are the ones producing the food that is put on our tables.
Let's think about that next time we go on our "soy" health frenzy. As being a person who definitely bought a lot of soy milk thinking that is the healthiest alternative, there are other alternatives of healthy protein from milk such as rice, almond and/or just plain old lactaid-free milk. But soy is in a lot of the packaged food we eat as well. Argentina is the 3rd largest producer of soy. The U.S. I believe may be second after Brazil or at least in the top five. So you health-soy fanatics have nothing to worry about.....yet
My approach to healthy eating is variety and portions in EVERYTHING...no such thing as a "diet" in my book...just form a habit that you know works best with your body and listen to your body....easier said than done, yes.
But an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
This album was too good not to post!!!!

Brittany Bosco is a Savannah, GA native. Man o man, this album just has a good feel to it all together; smooth, relaxing, jazzy, soulful. I have other music updates coming...like a whoooooooole lot, but I don't want to keep people waiting on good music that should be heard now.
Support Brittany
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Eta Xi, Intelligently Designed

Yes, I am a proud member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated and a co-founder of the Virginia Tech colony, now ETA XI chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated.
But what I am more impressed and proud of is how my line brothers and other members of the chapter have currently progressed and obtained the chapter letters. They are the ones who I am dedicating this blog post to. I could not be any prouder than I am right now!!! Getting established as a strong, progressive force at Virginia Tech is not easy at all. Though I was not there and do not know a lot of the work they put into getting the chapters, I remember when I was there helping to establish us as a colony; an experience that I will never forget.
That goes for all of the fraternities and sororities out there, as well all know how much truly goes into getting yourseleves established. I am posting the description of the Facebook group dedicated to those Exa Xi Owtlaws of Iota Phi Theta, Incorporated.
"The Eta Xi chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the campus of Virginia Tech on December 28, 2006 by four courageous brothers.
Since its founding, Iota Phi Theta has demonstrated a growth rate unmatched by any Black Greek Organization before or since. Time and time again, we have seen that there are men who are seeking an organization with the vibrancy and creativity that are unique to Iota Phi Theta. We are actively seeking men who are interested in helping us to "Build a Tradition" and who are unwilling to settle for "Resting Upon One."
This group is the place look if you want to find OWt information, updates and the latest events going on with the VT Colony.
The Brown and Gold Iota Men at Virginia Tech are:
Nathan "Stand OWt" Howell
Maurice "The Architect" Clark
Mathew "Clutch" Good
Brian "Firecracker" Glover
Mark "I Am Legend" Saunders
Beside the Centaurs of Iota Phi Theta there are those beautiful and oooooh so sweet Iota Sweethearts that support the brothers of Iota like no other!
The first EVER Iota Sweetheart on the campus of Virginia Tech is:
Tiara Riley"
The name of the original line that crossed in the Fall of 2006 at Virginia Tech is I.S. Intelligent Design. It has two meanings behind it and I'll leave the explanation of it at that.
and yes, yours truly Kevin i.k.a "Spoken Word", the ACE, holding it dowwwwn!
Let's get it, Virginia Tech!!!